Oil Vacuum Pump | Becker Pumps Corporation

Oil Vacuum Pump | Becker Pumps

Are you in need of an upgrade to your current central air system? If so, Becker Pumps offers a myriad of solutions for all central air needs. Not only do they provide reliable and efficient machinery, but they are also specialists in the development of air system technologies; therefore, their machines and the means by which they repair them are always improving. Whether it’s an oil vacuum pump or a dry-running pump, Becker has virtually-endless, high-quality options for their customers.

A facility’s centralized air system has a significant impact on efficiency and profitability. Air systems are one of the top contributors to energy consumption in any given facility, and the amount of energy consumed is directly linked to efficiency and environmental friendliness; thus, the installation of advanced, high-efficiency machinery will greatly improve a facility’s profitability and productivity. Many facilities, however, currently employ central air systems that contain noisy and bulky machinery. Some believe the size and sound of these machines imply higher productivity, but this tends to be false. Commonly, these machines are simply over-sized, inefficient products that create excessive, distracting noise. Furthermore, these machines have severe effects on energy consumption and efficiency.

Becker Pumps, on the other hand, designs central air machinery that is compact, quiet, and highly efficient. Their vacuum pumps and blowers are an immediate upgrade to any existing central air system.

Why Choose Becker? | Oil Vacuum Pump

Becker has earned their reputation for quality machinery and service during their time in the industry. They have been developing increasingly advanced air system technologies since 1885. The rotary vane pump is one of their most significant contributions to the industry. This dry-running pump is extremely consistent and efficient, offering an environmentally-friendly option to the industry. Furthermore, their incomparable experience in central air systems allows them to reliably exceed the expectations of their customers.

Becker is now a leading example of innovative technology, high product quality, and customer service standards. The improvement of their central air machinery is a constant goal, and Becker continues to focus their time and resources on the enhancement of their air system machinery to this day.

Becker Vacuum Pump Oil | Oil Vacuum Pump

Not only does Becker Pumps manufacture some of the best machinery on the market, but they also produce high-quality vacuum pump oil. They design their vacuum pump oil to handle the extreme operating situations of an oil vacuum pump. Their oil has incredibly low friction properties, which mitigates viscosity fluctuation; thus, Becker machines have increased peak performance longevity.

The following is a short list of the many vacuum pump oil products by Becker Pumps:

  • Food Grade Vacuum Pump Oil
  • Premium Synthetic Oil
  • Synthetic Oil
  • Vacuum Pump Flushing Oil

Oil-less Grease for Dry-Running Vacuum Pumps

Becker also offers oil-less grease for their dry-running machinery. Most other grease products on the market are not capable of resisting the temperatures created by the bearings of dry-running vacuum pumps.

The following is a list of advantages Becker’s oil-less grease offers:

  • Defends against corrosion
  • Handles a large temperature range of -5 °F to 302 °F
  • Lengthens intervals between services
  • Resistant to moisture, oxidation, and aging
  • Withstand the high temperatures produced by vane pump bearings

Facilities looking to upgrade their current central air system or start a new one from scratch should contact Becker Pumps. Their variety of products will have everything you could possibly need. Learn more about Becker Pumps and their selection of air system machinery on the Fishbowl Design Blog.